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Cornell University

Activities Requiring FPARs


A FPAR is required for projects at facilities and locations under the Provost’s administration, as follows:

  • Any work, study, assessment, or design that creates a capital asset greater than $100,000 including:
    • Renovations; rehabilitations; restorations; demolition; new space creation; building infrastructure improvements or creation including networking, access control and security, and exterior infrastructure improvements or creation including utilities, grounds, sidewalks, roads, and other transportation infrastructure
    • Restoration projects that result from fire, flood, or other unexpected damage-inducing event that occur past the point of immediate site stabilization and might include additional hazardous materials testing, design, and construction activities.
      • Funding sources for such projects might include internal funds held in Risk Management as well as insurance payouts and Cornell contributions (unit or central).
    • Capital fit out of leased space when contracted through Cornell.
    • Feasibility, space, master planning, concept or other studies and assessments that are either greater than the FPAR threshold. One of two eBuilder processes is used to route approvals for all studies, regardless of cost. The Study Authorization Guidance and the Study Typologies chart will be used to determine if the authorization of the study will proceed through the FPAR process or the Study Authorization (SA) process.
    • Programs that meet the threshold or have a substantial impact on facilities operations (e.g., energy conservation, fume hood reduction, etc.)
  • FPARs are not required for:
    • Projects with total costs less than $100,000
    • Projects that exceed $100,000 with all authorizations against the Painting IDIQ contract(s)
    • Service / Maintenance Contracts
    • Real estate acquisitions and leases
    • Information technology systems projects (approved by Systems PARs (SPARs))

A FPAR should be initiated at the first phase at which it is understood that total project costs will exceed the FPAR dollar threshold.